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EconMatters is made up of a team of financial and market analysts who research, analyze, and write articles devoted to the discussion of important economic and market specific issues relevant to our readers and global strategic investing.


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Low Rates And QE Are Deflationary At The Zero Bound
Sure enough the S&P 500 drops 6% from its all-time highs, and all the idiots start talking about another round of QE when we haven`t even finished with the latest one (still buying bonds through October).
The 5–Year Bond Is Emblematic Of Careless Risk Taking In Bond Markets
In essence current bond holders have a negative real rate, the only way they make this risky trade is if they can borrow at essentially zero percent borrowing costs, use insane leverage, and ‘speculate’ on the low borrowing cost to bond yield Delta.
5.5% Unemployment Rate Represents Full Employment
It is great that everyone interpreted that the Fed Minutes were dovish, but the mistake is that this was after a dismal employment report, these minutes were based on old and incorrect economic information.
Selling The Shale Boom: It's All About Reserves
According to Bloomberg News, the average estimate of resource potential was 6.6 times higher than the proved reserves reported to the SEC. "Proven" and "potential" should not be confused.
The Fed Can't Raise Rates Because The Sky Is Blue
Talk about drawing the line, moving the line, etc. - now the Federal Reserve is trying to redefine what constitutes a ‘line’ in the first place.
The Fed Cannot Wait For Wage Inflation To Raise Rates
The risk will be that they will have to raise rates by a lot more in a shorter duration of time, and this will cause major market tumult.
Central Banks' Biggest Concern Should Be Market Stability
There is way too much liquidity in the system right now, movements in currencies are starting to become worrisome, and the best move for retail investors is cash.
Solar In Oil Drilling: Beat Them Or Join Them?
Solar energy has garnered quite a buzz lately as China is said to beef up its solar installation this year.
10 Year Treasury Short Best Place To Be Remainder Of 2014
When I look around at the market landscape of assets to buy, sell or invest in for the remainder of the year, or in other words if I close out the position where do I go next?
Inflation Pressures In Core Food Components
Inflation numbers of late have been helped by the drop in fuel costs, the agricultural grains have been brought down in the futures market by the overplanting of corn, but eating out for the weekend where shrimp, steak...
Mixed Emotions For The Gold Market
The Gold market has a lot of crosscurrents at the moment with the main negative as we write that it doesn`t pay a yield, and given the abundance of cheap money chasing every utility, bond and stock that pays a yield it has lost favor in that regard the last several years.
Were European Bonds Mispriced In 2012 Or Are They Now?
When you look at the pricing for European bonds this conclusion jumps out from an analyst perspective, either European bonds were analyzed and incorrectly priced two years ago, or they are currently being analyzed and mispriced today!
Were European Bonds Mispriced In 2012 Or Are They Now?
Either European bonds were analyzed and incorrectly priced two years ago, or they are currently being analyzed and mispriced today!
Expect Another Strong Employment Report Next Week
Lost in what is one of the lowest trading volume weeks of the year, and a really sleepy August month in general where many folks are getting to use some vacation time before markets start getting serious again in September ...
European Bond Market: Bubble Of All Bubbles!
Right now investors in European Bonds are running over each other all in an effort to front run what the Big Banks have been begging the ECB to begin a bond buying program similar to the United States’ QE bond buying program.
Even Mainstream Academia Worried About Massive Bubbles In Markets
As stocks set new records each month even other academic economists are starting to realize that not only is the Federal Reserve behind the curve, but that they are part of the rising risk concerns that are building in the financial system...
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