Long Bond CoT Discrepancy

I have turned comments on for this post so that anyone with the answer (or an opinion) can chime in.I have not allowed comments for years now because a) I don’t have time for trolls and b) there was a formatting issue last time I tried it.But I may allow comments for select posts (assuming the format is not a mess) and see how it goes.

A subscriber and keen market watcher sent me a link to this ZH post touting a massive net long position in the long bond:  The ‘Smart’ Money Has Never Been This Long the Long Bond.That post used a chart from GaveKal to make its point. 

(Click on image to enlarge)

30yr yield and cot

But he also sent a CoT chart (also by way of GaveKal) of ‘US Treasury Bonds’ that looked nothing like the chart above, asking if I know why they are different. Answer: I don’t.I thought, what are “US Treasury Bonds?”, i.e. maybe it was of different duration?So I pulled the individual 30 year at  Sentimentrader and indeed, it is nothing like the ZH chart.

30yr treasury bond hedging, us treasury bonds

From  COTbase, it’s the same story.The 30 year bond is not extreme in its commercial alignment.

30 year us treasury bonds, cot

Same goes for  COTpricecharts.com.

t bond cot

So I ask you – if you know – what gives?

Disclosure: None.

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11111 8 years ago Member's comment

@[Oliver Mani](user:6261) :)

Oliver Mani 8 years ago Contributor's comment


11111 8 years ago Member's comment

nice :)