Gasoline Prices Rise 0.7 Cents A Gallon

Gas Prices: Week Ending 26 May 2014

Average gasoline prices rose an average of 0.7 cents nationwide this past week following the previous week's fall of .03 cents. Since 06 January 2014, gas prices have risen 33.9 cents a gallon.


The graph represents the weighted average of gasoline based on sampling of approximately 900 retail outlets, 8:00AM Monday. The price represents self-service unless only full-service is available and includes all taxes. See here for further definitions. All Formulations includes both conventional gasoline and reformulated gasoline.

source: EIA

Average Prices - East Coast (blue line), Midwest (red line), Gulf Coast (green line), Rocky Mountains (orange line) and West Coast (violet line)

[click above graph to enlarge]


Average Prices - Premium (red line) and Regular (blue line)

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