Resource Stock Capitulation, Japan's Hopeless Future, And Irresponsible Politicians

The following video discusses further reading recommendations, and also a brief discussion about Japan's dismal future, and hopeless monetary printing. Nations cannot print their way out of a structural decline. The low birthrate, and aging population will ultimately either lead to the collapse of Japan, or a complete reform of its international business and immigration policies. Adding insult to injury, the elderly are now being forced to not only receive mediocre yields but must now pay higher prices. More in my video:

Many investors in the energy, resource, and metals sectors have become almost too damaged to continue their course. The mixed price signals (interest rates are considered prices on loans) from government market intervention, and the artificial manipulation (the brute force of slaughtering saver and creditor capital) have created many distortions, and difficulties for investors. With nearing record low volatility for stocks, this is allowing investors to feel riskier as low turbulence makes for "safer" investing. This author would say on the contrary, it is always the calmest before the storm. 

0% interest, low volatility, and central bank intervention are the recipes for higher risk from yield starved investors, and general euphoria from analysts. Remember, analysts exist to recommend the stocks that money managers own. This necessarily means that analysts are owned by stock managers. Mutual fund, and portfolio managers do business with analyst houses. They are their clients, and do whatever they can to please their clients.

The individual investor should be weary of sell-side analysts. The intelligent investor should do their own due diligence with a company.

The resource sector is either near to, or just experienced, a capitulation period. Capitulation is defined as an extremely dramatic event when almost all investors give up on a sector. The last few remaining buyers finally step out, and emotions overcome rationality. This is when the contrarian investor, as yours truly is, and resource investor, should get involved. 

Examples of contrarian investing:
The Australian oil company, FAR LIMITED(FARYF) has had two successful drilling campaigns in Senegal but the market barely noticed. 
American Sands Energy(AMSE) recently had a phenomenal third party feasibility report, yet the market paid no attention to it. 
NovX21(PORMF) is developing its groundbreaking clean catalytic converter technology PGM - (Platinum Group Metals) has made strides with their supply agreements, and will begin financing converter production in early 2015. The company is low cost, dependent on a favorable commodity with bullish supply/demand fundamentals, and clean technology, yet again, not even as much as a look from most investors. 

Investors make money by buying low, and selling high. When does one buy low? When there is no competition or interest in that sector. As long as people exist, resources will need to be extracted. Resource needs per U.S birth













Disclosure: This video is my opinion and information is to the best of my knowledge.

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Harry Sinclair 9 years ago Member's comment

Like this new video format. Thanks.

Adem Tumerkan 9 years ago Contributor's comment

I thought half-half was good. Write about the company and stocks while verbally speaking about economies. Most potential return with limited time. Thanks.