Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Pop Go The Weasels

Stocks dumped hard on post end of quarter selling, even though the economic news was not too hot and not too cold.

The metals came roaring off their oversold conditions with gold leading the push higher.

There was little activity in the Comex gold warehouse, and a few more traders stood for delivery.

I explained again the other day that not all those who stop a futures contract for delivery actually end up taking the physical gold. And further, if they do take it, that may not be reflected immediately in the warehouse report, because they take the title to the gold if you will, but may not move it or change its status right away. So we can see a lag, or even nothing. 

But again, as I seemingly have to say again and again, the Comex setting gold prices is the tail wagging the dog. It is just that the tail is wagging and easier to see, if you can believe that. 

Gold is moving from West to East, and the glimpses we get of the trade confirms its size. And I think we understand why it is moving, because a great change is taking place in the world's thinking on international currencies.

There are some increased international tensions certainly, and some of the most recent movement in gold, which is outpacing silver, *might* be due to a flight to safety or supply pressures in the markets where physical supply really makes a difference.  

This is playing out and we have to be patient in watching it, and try not to fill in the blanks too aggressively with what can be or might be. But as for what is, I think we have a decent idea of the longer term reasons why things are happening the way that they are.

Have a pleasant weekend.






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