What Is Really In HP Acthar Gel?

Citron Research reports on QCOR (pdf below). The stock is trading down about 6-7% today, likely battered by this report negative report questioning the composition of its drug Acthar Gel. 

What is Really in HP Acthar Gel?

Courtesy of Citron Reports 

THAT HAS ALL NOW CHANGED Questcor (NASDAQ:QCOR) has been a battleground stock for years.  Bulls have stood by the strong financial performance of the company, while bears have been clinging to the threat of multiple government investigations and lack of clinical data for this “magical” $30,000 per vial drug.

Today Citron puts that entire debate in an entirely new light. The entire debate is now reduced to just one single relevant question … nothing else matters.

What is in that $30,000 vial? You will be shocked when you find out.

Citron presents the findings of a compelling scientific inquiry from some of the nation’s pre-eminent analytical laboratories. These results, which have already been presented to the FDA, seek an answer to the one question that neither the longs nor the shorts has ever really known:

What is Really in HP Acthar Gel?

Click here for the full story...


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