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Currently, there is much hope the virus will end shortly, the economy will reopen, and the world will return to normal in a few weeks. The 15 million job losses, and the surge in unemployment, will revert back to historical lows, confidence will surge, and corporate earnings will quickly recover.

Currently, there is much hope the virus will end shortly, the economy will reopen, and the world will return to normal in a few weeks. The 15 million job losses, and the surge in unemployment, will revert back to historical lows, confidence will surge, and corporate earnings will quickly recover.

Currently, there is much hope the virus will end shortly, the economy will reopen, and the world will return to normal in a few weeks. The 1

Currently, there is much hope the virus will end shortly, the economy will reopen, and the world will return to normal in a few weeks. The 15 million job losses, and the surge in unemployment, will revert back to historical lows, confidence will surge, and corporate earnings will quickly recover.

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