ASA And Gallup Indicate Continued Jobs Gains

The ASA temp staffing index hit 105.1 last week just short of an alltime high of 105.2. Typically this index peaks the first or second week into December which means we are all but assured of hitting all time records in a few weeks.  Both these indexes coinciding like this bodes very well for continued job gains into and thru Q1 2015

“Davidson” submits:

Both weekly employment indicators, the Gallup Job Creation Index and the ASA Staffing Index are at/near all time highs. The last time the ASA Staffing Index was this high was Dec 9, 2007. The economy continues to expand with many investors remaining overly cautious. With the 10yr Treasury at 2.3%, I think it is safe to say that investors remain quite cautious by accepting this very low return while the SP500 racks up annual gains well above that. I expect to see continuing new highs in these indicators for several years ahead.

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The SP500 (SPY) ($.INX) has always trended higher with economic expansion.

Disclosure: The information in this post represents my own opinions and does not contain a recommendation for any particular security or investment. I or my affiliates may hold positions or ...

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