Gasoline Prices Rise Over 3 Cents A Gallon

Econintersect: Average gasoline prices rose an average of 3.3 cents nationwide this past week following the previous week's rise of 5.5 cents. Since 02 September, gas prices have risen 10.2 cents a gallon.

Average prices by region and a breakdown by grade follow after "Read more >>".

At the end of the article is a Gas Buddy graphic with access to local gasoline prices anywhere in the country.

The graph represents the weighted average of gasoline based on sampling of approximately 900 retail outlets, 8:00AM Monday. The price represents self-service unless only full-service is available and includes all taxes.

See ( for further definitions. All Formulations includes both conventional gasoline and reformulated gasoline.

source: EIA

Average Prices - East Coast (blue line), Midwest (red line), Gulf Coast (green line), Rocky Mountains (orange line) and West Coast (violet line)

[click above graph to enlarge]


Average Prices - Premium (red line) and Regular (blue line)


Compare Gasoline Prices from Around the USA


Richmond Gas Prices provided by

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