Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Option Expiration Tomorrow

There was some cursory movement of bullion out of the Comex warehouses yesterday, but in general they are reasonably well equipped ahead of the April active contract period which begins next Monday with first notice.

As you know there is a precious metals option expiry for the April contract tomorrow. We may consider the gut check already delivered for it ahead of time perhaps, but there is still the off chance of another hit in the quiet periods tonight and the day after tomorrow.

I have included a chart of the gold price in dollars with a few technical because we finally saw the 50 DMA climb over the 200 DMA.  That is known as the 'golden cross.'   It would be more meaningful if it was occurring on substantial volumes.

I am not such a big believer in technical measures except at their extremes in an inefficient market that is being managed to certain ends.  But it is worth noting at least.  

The delivery calendar is more important, and not so much even that for New York and London. The real markets for precious metals are now in the Mideast and Asia.

Time settles all accounts.

Have a pleasant evening.


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