Stocks: Fourth Time A Charm?

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2222 9 years ago Member's comment

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Yasmin Sohail 9 years ago Member's comment


Yasmin Sohail 9 years ago Member's comment


Dennis Miller 9 years ago Contributor's comment

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Boaz Berkowitz 9 years ago Contributor's comment

Interesting piece. I don't know if you have read "The Wise Men, Six Friends and The World They Made". One of the wise men is McCloy. I increasingly do not believe what is happening in the world can be explained simply by looking at nations and finance. I believe there are now 4 key global players: nations, multinational firms, NGOs (including religious groups) and international orgs such as World Bank and IMF. Sometime these players work together, sometimes they are enemies.... And it and more.

Joe Black 9 years ago Member's comment

great video!

Nick Punwani 9 years ago Contributor's comment


Nick Punwani 9 years ago Contributor's comment

great video!