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Book Author, Blogger at Of Two Minds
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Charles Hugh Smith, has been an independent journalist for 22 years. His weblog,, is a daily compendium of observations and analysis on the global economy and financial markets, as well as notable political, social ...more

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The Political Poison Of Vested Interests
I have long identified diminishing returns as a key dynamic in the current unraveling of the Status Quo. Why is this so? We can summarize diminishing returns as dumping more money, capital, energy and effort into a system just to keep the output from falling to zero.
Sorry, Fed Inflationistas: Technology Is Deflationary
Technology, like Nature itself, has no emotional stake in what is creatively destroyed.
It's Time To Retire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) As A Measure Of Prosperity
What if we used wellness (Gross Domestic Happiness) as a metric for prosperity rather than GDP?
It's Time To Ditch The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
So why does the government maintain such a transparently inaccurate and misleading metric? For three reasons.
It's Time To Ditch The Consumer Price Index (CPI)
That the official rate of inflation doesn't reflect reality is obvious to anyone paying college tuition and healthcare out of pocket. The debate over the accuracy of the official consumer price index (CPI) and personal consumption expenditures has raged for years, with no resolution in sight.
What's The Difference Between Fascism, Communism And Crony-Capitalism? Nothing
When it comes to the real world, the difference between fascism, communism and crony-capitalism is semantic. Let's start with everyone's favorite hot-word, fascism, which Italian dictator Benito Mussolini defined as "the merger of state and corporate power."
The Alienation Of Work
The emerging economy is opening up new ways to reconnect workers to their work and the profits from their work.One of the most striking blind spots in our collective angst over the lack of jobs is our apparent disinterest in the nature of work and how work creates value.
How To Get A Job Despite The Economy
To paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, we work in the economy we have, not the economy we might want or wish to have at a later time. And what characterizes the economy we have?
Most Active Stocks On Twitter
Below are the intensity scores for the most active stocks on Twitter for the week and month ended 4/8/14.
Now That The U.S. And China Have Picked The Low-Hanging Fruit, Peak Everything Looms
With no plan to manage an economy in which expanding credit no longer generates growth, the two nations are rapidly reaching Peak Everything.
Fed To The Sharks, Part 2: Housing And The Death Of The Middle Class
Lest you think the phrase "death of the middle class" is hyperbole, please examine these two charts, keeping in mind the middle class by definition must be in the middle of income/wealth distribution--conventionally, between 40% and 80%, i.e. the 40% between the bottom 40% and the top 20%.
Fed To The Sharks, Part 1: The Fed Takes Our Money, Gives It To Banks Who Loan It Back To Us At 16%
What can we say about the Federal Reserve's policies that hasn't been said a million times? How about simplifying the two primary purposes of Fed policies?
And The Next Big Thing Is ... Degrowth?
The Grand Narrative of the past few centuries goes something like this: from religious authority to secular authority, from agriculture to industrial, from rural to urban, from local to global, from periphery to center, from decentralized to centralized, from low-density energy to high-density energy
My Wish For 2016: We Finally Get A President Who Doesn't Kiss Wall Street's Rear End
Is there any hope that we might actually elect a president with the mandate and courage to take down Wall Street instead of kissing its rear end in humiliating obeisance?
It's Not Just The Stock Market That's Rigged: The Entire Status Quo Is Rigged
As in the story of the Emperor's new clothes, the onlooker who declares the obvious-- in this case, that the stock market is rigged--shatters the consensus lie.
What Happens After The Low-Hanging Fruit Has Been Picked?
One way to understand why the global financial meltdown occurred in 2008 and not in 2012 is all the oxygen in the room had been consumed.
161 to 176 of 194 Posts
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