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The Economic Effects on Finance, Investing, Social Interactions, and Politics
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Founded by John Lounsbury and Steven Hansen, Global Economic Intersection (Econintersect) focuses on the economic effects on ...more

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Market Commentary: Markets Gap Up On Opening, Small Caps Up Over One Percent
Premarkets were up over +0.60% this morning and the DOW jumped to +0.71% at the opening. The opening volume was low, the $VIX fell to the highs 13's and the savvy investors were wondering how much longer this party was going to last.
Catching Up With Super-Fast Computerized Markets
In anticipation of Michael Lewis' new book, Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt (available April 1, 2014), GEI fuels your appetite for High Frequency Trading with this brief analysis. If you have any interaction with security markets, including most retirement accounts, then you have most likely been affected by HFT.
Citi Fails Fed Stress Test
Citigroup Inc.'s capital plan was among five that failed Federal Reserve stress tests, while Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Bank of America Corp. passed only after reducing their requests for buybacks and dividends.
21 March 2014: ECRI's WLI Improvement Continues
ECRI's WLI Growth Index again improved marginally, and remains in positive territory.
Crimea Situation: Potential Damage To Russian Economy
In response to the recent Russian invasion of Crimea, President Obama extended sanctions against Russia. The initial sanctions include blacklisting several wealthy businessmen who are close to President Putin and one of the country's major banks.
Market Commentary: Markets Open Up, Blamed On USA Economic Strength
U.S. stocks opened higher on Friday, as renewed optimism over the strength of the U.S. economic recovery supported equities, while markets still eyed the release of a U.S. report on consumer sentiment later in the day.
Evolution In Bank Complexity
In yesterday’s post, our colleagues discussed the historic changes in financial sector size. Here, we tackle a related question on dynamics—how has bank complexity evolved through time?
Studies Show We Only Need Renewable Energy
The big oil, gas, coal and nuclear companies claim that we need those energy sources in order to power America.
Facebook-Oculus VR Is Tech’s Latest Billion-Dollar Deal
In the wake of Facebook’s $19 billion Whatsapp deal, Mark Zuckerberg has grabbed even more headlines with his acquisition of Oculus VR.
Market Commentary: Markets Open In The Red, Remain Flat, Then Turned Green
Premarkets were down ~0.12% on the average and made a dip when the it was reported the US Economy grew at an annual rate of 2.6% and US Jobless Benefits fell slightly.
The Growth Of Murky Finance
Building upon previous posts in this series that discussed individual banks, we examine the historical growth of the entire financial sector, relative to the rest of the economy.
Market Commentary: Averages Stop Downward Melting Remain Mostly Mixed And Flat
The $VIX has remained in the high 13's and volume has occasional red and green spikes to keep worried investors on their toes.
Market Commentary: Markets Open Higher Then Trend Lower On Positive Durable Data
Premarkets were up +0.45% and had a momentary +0.05% gain when the US Durable Goods for February came in at 2.2% versus the 0.8% expected and -1.3% prior, but fell back.
Evidence From The Bond Market On Banks’ “Too-Big-to-Fail” Subsidy
The idea that some firms are too big to fail seems to have first appeared in connection with the financial difficulties that Lockheed Corporation ran into in 1975.
A Break In The PGM Supply Chain
In the past two months, strikes in South Africa have crippled the top three platinum players, and knocked 40% off of expected global PGM (platinum group metals) output.
An Investigation Into Large And Complex Banks
To help the research catch up with the rhetoric, financial economists here at the New York Fed have engaged in a systematic study of the economics of large and complex banks and their resolution in the event of failure.
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