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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more

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SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - All God's Children
Stocks had a little upward bias today, but are now more firmly up against resistance.
Tainted Meat Joins The Stench Of Political And Financial Corruption
It was discovered that in all that blizzard of corruption, and the paper that covered it up, that the very basis of the value of things had been 'mislaid.' And then the deluge came.
Report Of 'Intense Investigation' Into London Death Of JPM VP
It will be interesting to see if this 'intense investigation' actually reveals anything of substance. But it seems that the reported "suicide" may not have been a suicide after all...
Investment And Insurance: Prospective Risk And Return In Various Precious Metal Investments
To buy, or not to buy? Allocated, unallocated, or exchange-traded, derivative, or nothing? That is the question.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Non-Farm Payrolls Fizzle, Precious Metals Held In Check
The premiere event was the US Non-Farm Payrolls Report, which pretty much sucked out loud, coming in with an underestimated 113,000 jobs versus a 175,000 expected.
61 Tonnes Of Gold Bullion Flow Out Of Western ETFs And Exchanges In January 2014
Gold is moving from West to East. What does it mean?
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Bounce. Dead Cat Or Something More?
Stocks caught a bounce today, but it had the appearance of bottom feeding after a stiff decline.
NYSE Margin Debt - Take It To The Limit, One More Time
It seems as though this gang of Merry Banksters wants to not only make a 1929-like mistake, which they did in 2000, but to follow that policy error up by blowing another asset bubble in mortgage debt a few years afterward, and crash it all over again.
Dead Bankers, Missing Reporter, And Unfolding Wall Street Scandals
When tragic events involving one industry occur within an 18-day timeframe, the statistical probability of these events being random is remote. Given that JPMorgan, Deutsche Bank and Russell Investments are subjects themselves of investigations, an independent look is called for.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Next Stop, February
If I were a naked bullion short I would seriously consider getting flat and taking the money from one of the greatest market manipulations in history while I could.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Bounce By Day, Miss By Night - Wage Against The Machine
Unemployment claims came in high today, and pending home sales slumped. After the bell GOOG missed earnings, but tickled the Street with clicks, and AMZN missed just about everything, and took a little tumble. VIX remains elevated, and the global economy remains shaky.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - A Late Hit Ahead Of Active Feb In An Options Expiration Week
This is an option expiration week for precious metals on the Comex, for the important February contract. The game will be to try and scrape up some more deliverable gold, and knock down the open interest by giving the new contract holders a 'gut check.'
Matt Taibbi Asks Why Obama's Regulatory Strategy In Reforming The Banks Is Such A Joke
The lack of actual reform led by the Obama Administration, and of course a corporate compliant Congress, is hard to understand except in terms of the corrupting power of campaign funding that is pretty much out of control, and undermining the character of the Republic.
Renewed Calls From China For A Global Super-Currency To Replace "Bretton Woods II"
I have been reporting on this for quite a few years. It is a movement whose time has come as the US dollar reserve currency falters, and the Fed expands the monetary base for domestic concerns.
Another Ten Tonnes Of Gold Bullion Came Out Of Comex Eligible Inventory At JPM Yesterday
If I were short bullion I might consider squaring up and inching towards the exit, just to be on the safe side.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - FOMC Week Shenanigans
Gold spiked higher in the morning on a pure flight to safety, but was pushed lower as stocks attempted to rally. Reality versus liquidity?
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