Lance Roberts | TalkMarkets | Page 6
Chief Investment Strategist / Chief Economist of STA Wealth Mgmt
Contributor's Links: STA Wealth Daily X-Change Blog
Lance Roberts is the Chief Investment Strategist, Chief Economist and member of the investment committee for STA Wealth Mgmt. His primary focuses are macro trends, financial, fundamental and technical analysis of the markets and equities, credit markets, ...more


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5 Things To Ponder: Gates & Houses
This past week was inundated with a variety of financial and geopolitical events that had me scrambling to say abreast of the issues. However, there was one issue in particular that was obscured by the news flow of MH-17 and Israel, a ruling by the S.E.C. to put"gates" on mutual fund redemptions.
3 Things Worth Thinking About
I spent a good deal of time yesterday going through a point-counterpoint analysis of the current bull market.
5 Reasons Why The Market Won't Crash Or Will
One of the biggest mistakes that investors make is falling prey to cognitive biases that obfuscate rising investment risks.
A Better Way To Use P/E Ratios For Investing
There has been an ongoing debate about market valuations and the current state of the financial markets. On one hand, the "bulls" use forward price-earnings ratios to justify current valuation levels while the the "bears" cite trailing valuations based on reported earnings per share.
How Effective Have The Fed's QE Programs Been?
In the most recent newsletter, I discussed this year's rise in the markets and the fact that all of the gains have occurred during some of the historically weakest months of the year.
5 Things To Ponder: Yellen Talk
This past week, Chairwoman Janet Yellen presented the Federal Reserve's Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congressional Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Stocks Will Rise & The 3 Trades You Can't Make
I wrote recently that stocks spend 5% of their time hitting new highs while the other 95% of the time investors spend in the market has been making up losses.
Is Yellen Being Misled By Employment Statistics
Yesterday, Chairwoman Janet Yellen presented the Federal Reserve's Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congressional Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
Analyzing The Impact Of Fed Rate Hikes On Markets & Economy
There has been much discussion as of late about the end of the current quantitative easing program and the beginning of the Federal Reserve "normalizing" interest rates. The primary assumption is that as interest rates normalize, the financial markets will continue to rise.
Every Time Is Different, And The Same
Over the weekend, I read a very interesting article by Ryan Puplava discussing the fundamental backdrop of the financial markets.
5 Things To Ponder: The Everything Boom
Earlier this week I posted an article discussing signs of "market exuberance" which including a link to a Neil Irwin, NYT, article entitled "Welcome To The Everything Boom."
Is The Surge In Corporate Borrowing Sowing Seeds Of Next Crisis?
Since the beginning of the year there has been an ongoing hope that businesses were on the verge of a capital expenditure cycle that would boost economic growth.
Not Seeing Signs Of Market Exuberance? Look Closer
The more the markets rise in the face of negative news, the more "confident" that individual investors become in their own abilities.
The Market In Pictures - Mid-Year Update
In November of 2013, I did a chart analysis of the markets at the time. Now that we have passed the halfway point in 2014 I thought it would be a timely retrospective to revisit that post and update those charts accordingly.
When Fundamentals No Longer Matter
It is an issue that was prevalent in the late 90's as markets surged to new heights. It was an issue that resurfaced again in 2007 as readily available liquidity and leverage made the financial markets the "only game in town." Right now, we see the resurgence of the same notions.
5 Things To Ponder: Thoughts From The Beach
Alas, all good things must come to an end. As the kids summer vacation trip comes sadly to an end, it is only fitting that the final edition of "Thoughts From The Beach (TFTB)" would be this weekend's "5 Things To Ponder."
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