Larry Doyle | TalkMarkets | Page 7
Larry Doyle, Owner of Sense on Cents
Sense on Cents, launched in January 2009, looks to deliver an understanding of the economy, markets, and global finance to a wide audience. From people who have little to no understanding of these topics to Wall Street veterans and graduate level professors, Larry looks to deliver ...more


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What’s Going On: Market Pullback, Pump ‘n Dump?
The 4% loss year to date certainly qualifies as a pullback but comes nowhere close to qualifying as a correction which market technicians define as a 10% decline. The S&P 500 would have to retrace another 110 points on top of the ~75 points it has lost year to date to meet that definition.
Eric Ben-Artzi: Another Whistleblower Who Was Fired
Recently Deutsche Bank surprised the markets by pre-releasing its earnings with a surprise loss of 1.5 billion Euros. Do you think that the bank may have been previously mismarking positions or, in layman’s terms, ‘cooking the books?'
Dennis Kelleher Calls Out President Obama On Mortgage Fraud
In the midst of leaving an event last evening in New York City, a very informed pollster told me that the overwhelming sense in the nation today is that people today are totally fed up with Washington and Wall Street.
Mortgage Foreclosure Abuse: The Fight Continues
The ongoing problematic issues within mortgage servicing practices remain prevalent. These issues go right to the core of what I believe is the problem with the structure of our banking industry in America today: that a few banks dominate the market.
Market Warning Signs
When everybody is on one side of a ship that vessel will tend to list and often has a hard time continuing to move in the same direction.
Don’t Fall Victim To QE Trap
The perils and potential pitfalls stemming from the tapering of the Fed’s quantitative easing.
JP Morgan When It Came To Madoff: Lots Of ‘CYA’ But Little ‘KYC’
JP Morgan ignored the number one rule: 'Know Your Customer" and looked the other way when it came to Madoff. When all came to light, JPM only cared about covering its own exposure.
Lunch With The Legendary John Bogle
Throughout the annals of Wall Street history, there have been some true giants. Yesterday, I had the great good fortune of attending a small lunch reception in honor of those giants, John Bogle.
FINRA Should Crack Down On Management
The question still begs: why FINRA has been so amenable to expunging such an overwhelming percentage of complaints against brokers?
Review: The Wolf Of Wall Street
Martin Scorsese certainly knows how to make movies and Leonardo DiCaprio sure can act, but in a word, this film is disturbing.
Rep. Duckworth (D-IL): Shame On You, Mr. Castillo
I truly love it when those who would game our systems are exposed for their lack of integrity.
The Wolf Of Wall Street: Victims’ Stories
Thanks to the the Martin Scorsese film, we know about the Wolf, Jordan Belfort. But what about his victims?
The Wall Street Oligopoly At Work In The Oil Markets
What is the knock-on effect when there are enormous barriers to entry? Collusive behaviors and periodic bouts of market manipulation.
H.R. 3482: Restoring Main Street Investor Protection And Confidence Act
A year ago, I strongly endorsed H.R. 757 to restore credibility to the Securities Investor Protection Act that had been decimated by the manner in which the Madoff trustee went about its business.
JP Morgan To Settle Madoff Claim: Wall Street ‘Code Of Silence’
JP Morgan, Bernie Madoff’s lead banker, is close to settling with the Feds under a seldom used deferred prosecution agreement.
Madoff Trial Evidence Indicts NASD/FINRA
For five years America has been fed a line of bull that absolved the regulators at the NASD and its offspring at FINRA from their oversight responsibilities in the operation that encompassed Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scam.
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