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Blogger, The Economic Collapse Blog
Michael T. Snyder is a former Washington D.C. attorney who now publishes The Economic Collapse Blog. His new thriller entitled “more

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The Seven Year Cycle Of Economic Crashes That Everyone Is Talking About
Many believe that an economic crash is coming next year based on a seven year cycle of economic crashes that goes all the way back to the Great Depression. Is there something to this, or is it utter rubbish. Here are the facts, you decide...
Wall Street Admits That A Cyberattack Could Crash Our Banking System At Any Time
Wall Street banks are getting hit by cyber attacks every single minute of every single day. It is a massive onslaught that is not highly publicized because the bankers do not want to alarm the public.
We Now Have Scientific Proof That People Are Getting Stupider
Average IQs are dropping all over the globe, SAT scores in the U.S. have been declining for decades, and scientists have even discovered that our brains have been getting smaller over time.
30 Stats To Show To Anyone That Does Not Believe The Middle Class Is Being Destroyed
The 30 statistics that you are about to read prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class in America is being systematically destroyed.
Why So Much Anger In Ferguson? 10 Facts About The Massive Economic Gap Between White America And Black America
Many of them have absolutely no idea that the unemployment rate for black Americans is more than twice as high as it is for white Americans or that the average white household has 22 times as much wealth as the average black household.
NAFTA Is 20 Years Old – 20 Facts That Show How It Is Destroying The Economy
Back in '92 Bill Clinton promised that NAFTA would increase the number of high quality jobs and reduce illegal immigration. Well, it turns out that he was completely wrong about NAFTA. The following are 20 facts that show how NAFTA is destroying the economy.
14 Reasons Why The U.S. Economy’s Bubble Of False Prosperity May Be About To Burst
Did you know that a major event just happened in the financial markets that we have not seen since the financial crisis of 2008? If you rely on the mainstream media for your news, you probably didn't even hear about it.
Job = Just Over Broke
If you are fortunate enough to have a job in America today, the phrase "just over broke" probably describes you. Yes, there are a handful of jobs that certainly pay very well, but many of us are barely making it from month to month.
Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’?
Did you know that the federal government has an “Office of Population Affairs”?
Why Are Massive Numbers Of Sea Creatures Dying Along The West Coast Right Now?
Never before have we seen so much death along the west coast of North America. The following are 15 examples of this phenomenon. Most scientists do not believe that these incidents are related. But when you put them all together, it paints quite a disturbing picture…
21 Ways To End The Phrase ‘Americans Are So Broke…’
Did you know that 77 million Americans have unpaid debts that are "in collections" and that Congress is actually thinking about letting post offices offer payday loans?
Mass Incarceration: 21 Amazing Facts About America’s Obsession With Prison
Nobody in the world loves locking people behind bars as much as Americans do. We have more people in prison than any other nation on the planet. But has all of this imprisonment actually made us safer?
85 Super Wealthy People Have More Money Than The Poorest 3.5 Billion Combined
According tothe United Nations, 85 super wealthy people have more money than the poorest 3.5 billion people on the planet combined. And 1.2 billion of those poor people live on less than $1.25 a day.
Why Is Wal-Mart Preparing For A Major Earthquake On The New Madrid Fault?
Buried in a Wall Street Journal article from about a week ago was a startling piece of information. According to a Wal-Mart executive, Wal-Mart “participated in an exercise to prepare for an earthquake on the New Madrid fault line” earlier this summer.
America The Divided: Everyone Knows We Have Problems But There Is Very Little Agreement On Solutions
A house divided against itself will surely fall. America is more divided today than it has been in decades, and the deep divisions that are tearing us apart continue to get even worse.
Illegal Immigration And Gangs: Someday Our Cities Will Burn Because We Didn’t Protect Our Borders
Did you know that the number of illegal immigrants that enter Texas each week is greater than the number of babies being born to citizens of that state?
33 to 48 of 173 Posts
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