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For over a quarter of a century, professional investor and best-selling author Doug Casey and his team at Casey Research have been helping self-directed investors to earn superior returns through innovative research ...more

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Gold And Silver Headlines
A second significant mine tailings spill within a week, this time in Mexico, follows headline-grabbing news of a tailings breach at Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley mine in British Columbia.
Top 7 Reasons I’m Buying Silver Now
The drugs of choice for governments—money printing, deficit spending, and nonstop debt increases—have proved too addictive for world leaders to break their habits.
And The Credit For Defeating Slavery In America Goes To… Criminals!
Forget protecting and serving; we’re all potential bad guys in the eyes of the law that looks to jail us, fine us, and seize our property for profit.
When Nature Talks, Technologists Listen
In 1941, Swiss engineer George de Mestral had his “Eureka!” moment. He was walking through the woods while on a hunting trip in the Alps when he noticed that he and his dog were both covered in burrs.
How Too Much Of A Good Thing Leads To Disaster
Bill’s people have kindly allowed me to share an extended excerpt of his new book Hormegeddon: How Too Much of a Good Thing Leads to Disaster with you.
Why Coal Isn’t Going Away
Coal plays an integral role in keeping the lights on and buildings standing. Despite the green energy movement, more than 40% the world’s electricity still comes from coal-fired plants; 70% of the world’s steel production requires metallurgical coal.
The Single Most Important Strategy Most Investors Ignore
“If I scare you this morning, and as a result you take action, then I will have accomplished my goal.” That’s what I told the audience at the Sprott Natural Resource Symposium in Vancouver two weeks ago.
No Matter Who Wins, A Sociopath Is Elected
The midterm election season is upon us, and it’s a tossup whether the Republicans will win the Senate, or if President Obama, seemingly oblivious as conflict flares up around the world, will, through his continuous campaigning, keep Harry Reid in his majority leader seat.
Why The Fed’s Taper Hasn’t Hurt The Stock Market… Yet
Today the Fed will issue a statement on monetary policy. I don’t expect it to contain any surprises. The Fed will continue to taper by reducing its quantitative easing purchases by another $10 billion/month, bringing total purchases to $25B per month.
Arctic Oil Spill Kills Santa Claus
A massive oil spill just devastated the North Pole. And it’s all Royal Dutch Shell’s fault.
Gold And Silver Headlines
China’s gold “demand” dropped 19.4% in the first six months of 2014 from year ago, reports the China Gold Association. In the same period, production rose strongly as miners increased output to protect profit margins.
Seeing Rallies And Corrections For What They Are—And Profiting Either Way
Sometimes I see an important economic or geopolitical event in screaming headlines and think: “That’s bullish for gold.” Or: “That’s bad news for copper.” But then metals prices move in the opposite direction from the one I was expecting.
How Democracy Made Central Banking Possible
It is slowly dawning upon the people of the West that central banking cartels have been draining away their wealth. What they haven’t yet understood is that these money cartels were only made possible by what we call democracy.
The PC Is Not Dead Yet
We don’t know who first uttered the phrase “the death of the PC,” but it surely must have happened in 2011 when it became apparent that the threat posed by the tablet was more serious than most had ever imagined.
True Or False? Seven Common Myths About Investing In Junior Resources
Many investors seem reluctant to enter the fray of investing in junior resources. While they know that the high risk of the space can bring big rewards, the risk—along with a lot of hype and misinformation about new technologies—can seem so large that none but the most fearless of investors is will
Western Delusions Vs. Chinese Realities
This headline comes from mainstream claims that China is buying less gold this year than last. The International Business Times cites a 30% drop in demand during the “Golden Week” holiday period in May.
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