Steven Hansen | TalkMarkets | Page 7
Managing Partner at Econintersect LLC
Contributor's Links: Global Economic Intsersection
Steven Hansen, Publisher and Co-founder of Econintersect, is an international business and industrial consultant specializing in turning around troubled business units; consults to governments to optimize process flows; and provides economic indicator analysis based on unadjusted data and process ...more

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Rail Week Ending 06 September 2014: Strong But Slowing Growth Cycle Continuing
Week 36 of 2014 shows same week total rail traffic (from same week one year ago) grew according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) traffic data.
06 September 2014 Unemployment Claims Rolling Averages Again Slightly Degrades
The market was expecting the weekly initial unemployment claims at 295,000 to 325,000 (consensus 300,000) vs the 315,000 reported.
Wholesale Sales And Inventories Still Good In July 2014
The headlines say July 2014 wholesale sales improved and inventories grew only marginally - and our analysis indicates that sales improved but inventories were unchanged.
July 2014 JOLTS Still Projecting Good Jobs Growth
The BLS Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) can be used as a predictor of future jobs growth, and the predictive elements show that the jobs opening growth rate continues to show strength - and the rate of growth is accelerating.
August 2014 Small Business Optimism Index Strengthens
The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB)'s August 2014 monthly optimism index improved from 95.7 to 96.1. The market was expecting the index between 96.0 to 97.0 with consensus at 96.0.
BLS Jobs Situation A Little Soft In August 2014
The August 2014 BLS jobs report headlines were soft. The unadjusted data also paints a weak picture of job growth this month. One month's data does not make a trend.
Rail Week Ending 30 August 2014: Strong But Continuing Slowing Growth Cycle
Week 35 of 2014 shows same week total rail traffic (from same week one year ago) grew according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) traffic data. Rail growth this week was continues to demonstrate an improving economy - even though the rate of growth is slowing.
August 2014 ISM Services Index Again Above Expectations Indicating Strong Growth Continuing
The August 2014 ISM non-manufacturing (aka services) index continues its growth cycle, and improved from 58.7 to 59.6 (above 50 signals expansion). Important internals were strong.
August 2014 Beige Book: Economic Activity Expanded At Same Rate Of Growth
The consolidated economic report from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts (Beige Book) said "economic activity has expanded since the previous Beige Book report; however, none of the Districts pointed to a distinct shift in the overall pace of growth".
July 2014 Manufacturing Improves But It Was Due To Civilian Aircraft
US Census says manufacturing new orders improved. Our analysis agrees but one needs to consider that literally the entire growth this month was from civilian aircraft - and if one excludes transport, there was a contraction month-over-month.
July 2014 CoreLogic Home Prices Up 7.5% Year-over-Year, Shifting Dynamics
CoreLogic's Home Price Index (HPI) shows that home prices in the USA in June 2014 are up 7.4% year-over-year (reported up 1.2% month-over-month). The year-over-year growth rate was down insignificantly from the 7.5% reported last month.
August 2014 Chicago Purchasing Managers Barometer Strengthens Reversing Last Month's Decline
The Chicago Purchasing Managers Index rose 11.7 points, more than reversing last months 10 point decline.
Leading Index Review: July 2014 Philly Fed Leading Index Growth Rate Statistically Unchanged
The July forecast now shows growth is projected at 1.6% over the next 6 months. A positive index number projects positive economic growth for the next 6 months. A review of all major leading indicators follows - and no leading index is particularly strong.
July 2014 Personal Income And Expenditures Under Expectations
It is not really the problem that this noisy data series disappointed this month, but it throws a monkey wrench into the gears of those who believe the economy will be building steam as the year progresses. Consumer spending growth was less than last month - and in a consumer economy...
23 August 2014 Unemployment Claims Rolling Averages Improved Marginally
The market was expecting the weekly initial unemployment claims at 295,000 to 303,000 (consensus 300,000) vs the 298,000 reported.
Kansas City Fed: Manufacturing Growth Slows In August 2014, Under Expectations
Of the five regional manufacturing surveys released to date for August, all show manufacturing expansion.
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