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Independent Analyst
Contributor's Links: Acting Man
Pater Tenebrarum is an independent analyst and economist/social theorist. He has been involved with financial markets in various capacities for 31 years and currently writes economic and market analyses for independent research organizations and a European hedge fund consultancy as well as being ...more


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The Democracy Delusion
The initiative “Sunshine in Government” has sent a letter to various senators manning the “Select Committee on Intelligence”, pointing out to them that the proposed CISA Act is apt to destroy what little is left of the “free press”...
European Credit Dirigisme
In its most recent monetary policy announcement, the ECB council introduced a new type of long term financing instrument, the so-called “TLTRO”, short for “targeted long term refinancing operation”.
In Gold We Trust, 2014
Our good friends Ronald Stöferle and Mark Valek of the Incrementum Fund in Liechtenstein have just published the latest annual “In Gold We Trust” report for 2014.
Boundless Optimism In The Stock Market
When looking at the charts of individual stocks, we find many that “look good”. This is undoubtedly one of the market's main saving graces. The problem with this is of course that charts always “look good” until they suddenly don't anymore.
Fed Policies Are Dangerous Claptrap … Here’s Why …
When we left off on Friday, we promised to take up an important theme on the morrow. The morrow is here. True to our word, we will do so. The subject is wages. And we are digging in.
Gold: A Breakdown That Fails Is Usually Very Bullish
We could make that little list above a lot longer. Just two or three weeks ago, SocGen lowered its gold price target to $850 for instance.
FOMC Decision – Zero Surprise Policy
There were no surprises, as the FOMC has delivered exactly what was widely expected. However, the gold market's reaction was certainly interesting.
Argentina’s Sorrows Deepen
Early in the 20thcentury, Argentina was fully developed by the standards of the time, and the 5thrichest nation on earth in terms of per capita GDP.
A Survivor’s Guide To The World Of Funny Money
The longer the world lives with its funny money, the funnier things get. Here’s a headline from yesterday’s Financial Times: “Central banks pour money into equities.”
Easy Money
According to press reports, the usual suspects are at it again: “Bank lending to companies with few restrictions has surged back since the financial crisis virtually killed the practice.
Prices Misbehave Again
Another month…another 'surprise increase in CPI'. We have only discussed the topic of rising consumer prices a month ago (see “Inflation in the Nation”, which has a few guesses why they might possibly be rising…)...
Oil And Gold Continue To Rally
It is too bad that gold is apparently rallying in reaction to recent events in Iraq and the Ukraine.
Low Grade Credit Bubble Fraying At The Edges
We have commented a few times on the slightly diffuse character of the echo bubble, which has infected a great many nooks and crannies of the economy.
Confidence Sure Isn’t What It Used To Be
The fact that the BCI has apparently just put in a lower high again represents yet another long term warning sign for the current boom in 'risk assets'. The list of such warning signs is getting longer.
Inflation Warnings Ridiculed
It is interesting that the economy's production structure has once again been markedly distorted by the Fed's inflationary policies, in particular, while capital goods production has revived strongly, consumer goods production has stagnated.
The Government Debt Ponzi
Below we show the 10 year government bond yields of three countries: Spain, Japan and the United States.
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