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Independent Analyst
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Pater Tenebrarum is an independent analyst and economist/social theorist. He has been involved with financial markets in various capacities for 31 years and currently writes economic and market analyses for independent research organizations and a European hedge fund consultancy as well as being ...more


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Gold Outlook Improves
n a recent missive, Fred Hickey made an interesting remark regarding gold seasonality. He reckons that the seasonal trends in gold are mainly tied to seasonal demand in India, which certainly makes sense when considering the timing of these trends.
Jabberwocky! The Dragon Lays An Egg…
Mario Draghi's surname is in fact the Italian word for dragon. Apparently the Dragon (whom we refer to as Jabberwocky, in line with the Monthy Python association) has laid precisely the kind of egg he was widely expected to lay. The ECB has “given birth to a 'mini-NIRP.'”
Risk Assets: ‘Nothing Can Go Wrong’
Ever since the Fed's 'QE tapering' began, the annual growth rate of broad US money TMS-2 has actually not declined further. The main reason for this is that commercial banks have 'taken the baton' from the Fed.
Meet Kenneth Rogoff, Unreconstructed Statist
We always try to keep an eye on the pronouncements of establishment-approved intellectuals, especially economists and pundits connected with the welfare and warfare rackets.
The ECB And The Euro
About two weeks ago, Bloomberg reported that “The stars are finally aligning for euro bears” – obviously, there was no such alignment in evidence hitherto.
Rates Should Only Be Used To Blow Bubbles
A trio of Federal Reserve officials who disagree deeply with one another over the appropriate stance of monetary policy on Friday expressed a shared distrust for using interest rates to head off asset bubbles and other forms of financial instability.
Ecuador: Resource Nationalism Has Predictably Failed
Readers may recall an article we posted exactly one year ago, entitled “The Limits of Resource Nationalism”, in which we talked approvingly of the fact that the management of Kinross Gold (KGC) told the government of Ecuador 'thanks, but no thanks'.
‘Fair Trade’ Fails To Deliver
A recent article at Vice News reveals that so-called 'fair trade' has failed to deliver on its promise. 'Fair trade' involves the payment of prices above market prices for certain goods.
A Few Signs Of Life In Gold-Land
Following the recent break lower in gold, a few small signs of life have emerged. They're only tentative so far and given that the seasonally weak period for gold is underway, they may not represent sufficient evidence that a low is close...
Another Setback For Abenomics
It was always clear that consumer spending would drop in the wake of the recent sales tax hike in Japan, as some of the spending was dragged forward by consumers trying to beat the deadline.
Malinvestment In Human Capital
Techcrunch had an interesting article about the explosion of freshmen deciding to study computer science. But we believe that the boom is 'getting out of hand' and is beginning to reflect the effects of the technology echo bubble on Wall Street.
Gold Breaks Down
Never say never…we recently talked about the fact that many markets had become 'dull' indicating that a big move was imminent.
Labor Market Oddities
Economic data releases continue to be 'mixed' – not so weak as to warn of an imminent downturn, but remarkably weak considering the amount of funny money production courtesy of the Fed in recent years and the huge increase in the federal debtberg.
Piketty – Not Even His Data Are Worth Anything
Readers may already have heard that critics have found fault with the much-vaunted 'data' in Thomas Piketty's bestseller “Capital in the 21st Century”.
UKIP And FN Shake Up EU Establishment
Parties skeptical of the EU have made large inroads into the European parliament this week, but they haven't won enough seats to seriously derail the Brussels machinery.
The Lure Of ‘Ikea Economics’
If you’ve ever bought a folding futon bed from Ikea you’ll probably have been both impressed and perplexed by Scandinavian ingenuity. It’s the same when it comes to central banking. Policy makers are looking to Sweden,Norway and Denmark for off-the-shelf measures they can build at home.
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