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The Economic Effects on Finance, Investing, Social Interactions, and Politics
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Founded by John Lounsbury and Steven Hansen, Global Economic Intersection (Econintersect) focuses on the economic effects on ...more

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Stock Market Cyclical Bull Faces Important Test
Fueled by a historic amount of stimulus from the Federal Reserve, the cyclical bull market in stocks that began in 2009 has accelerated into an unsustainable advance, causing investment risk to increase to one of the three highest readings during the past 85 years.
China's Unbalanced Renminbi Policy
The devaluation of the Renminbi these past few months is a backward step in China 's current challenging program to rebalance its economy, and achieve sustainable economic growth.
Market Commentary: Markets Hit Resistance, Backed Off, But Closed Solidly In The Green
The markets generally stopped at resistance today and backed off, maybe to gather up steam and go for the historical highs again. With the Ukraine situation teetering back and forth, I would advise caution in taking any position. However, look to tomorrow for market weakness and perhaps a down day which several analysts have predicted
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Growth Now Expanding In April 2014
Of the three regional Federal Reserve surveys released to date, all show manufacturing expanding in April 2014.
Gasoline Prices Rise Over 3 Cents A Gallon
Econintersect: Average gasoline prices rose an average of 3.3 cents nationwide this past week following the previous week's rise of 5.5 cents. Since 02 September, gas prices have risen 10.2 cents a gallon.
The Floating-Rate Note Treasury Security
The U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) auctioned its first floating-rate note (FRN) on January 29, 2014. With this auction, Treasury introduced the first new marketable debt instrument since Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) in 1997.
Why Tesla Motors Stock Is Confusing The Experts
When you think about Tesla Motors (Nasdaq:TSLA), do you consider it an auto company or a tech company? If you're having a tough time choosing, you're not alone. A lot of investors and analysts are getting tripped up by Tesla's unusual hybrid nature as a maker of innovative electric cars.
Five Reportedly Killed In Shootout At Guard Checkpoint In Eastern Ukraine
Five people have been reportedly killed in a shooting in Slavyansk a city in eastern Ukraine held by anti government protesters.
Does Twitter Have A Stickiness Problem?
According to the data there is a large discrepancy between the number of accounts created and the number of accounts that actually remain active. Of the 284 million accounts created in 2013, only 37 million (12.9%) were still actively tweeting in February 2014
Big Trader And Investor Mistake, Simple Correction
Of the top three mistakes I see most traders make, one that would for sure be on the list is when people enter the market. I will use a trade we had last week in the Nasdaq to illustrate the proper way to enter the position and explain the wrong way to do it.
Market Commentary: Markets Closed For Good Friday
The US and European equities are closed for Good Friday, but the Nikkei index traded 0.68% higher today. Investors remain wary
'Schizophrenic US Strategy Makes Them Bad Peacemakers For Ukraine'
More than seven hours of talks between Russia Ukraine the US and EU diplomats have been unable to make a significant breakthrough according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.
How Important Are Hedge Funds In A Crisis?
Before the 2007–09 crisis, standard risk measurement methods substantially underestimated the threat to the financial system. A new method that more accurately accounts for these spillover effects suggests that hedge funds may have been central in generating systemic risk during the crisis.
Sixty Four Percent Of The World's Extremely Poor Live In Just 5 Countries
The World Bank released a report on global poverty on April 10, which contains some interesting data. Astonishingly, according to the report, 64% of the world’s extremely poor population lives in just 5 countries, namely India, China, Nigeria, Bangladesh and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Market Commentary: Last Minute Sell-Off Brings Averages Down Off Session Highs
Markets closed with the DOW in the red and everything else in the green. The NASDAQ did relatively well closing up +0.20%. There was a moderately heavy, but brisk sell-off towards the closing and was the reason the DOW closed in the red.
Market Commentary: Markets Open Flat, Down And Directionless
Premarkets were off fractionally this morning after a relatively heavy dumping after the markets closed last night. Reporting financial news was OK and in the green, but Goldman Sachs (GS), Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG, Honeywell International (HON), General Electric (GE) and E. I. du Pont de Nemours (DuPont) (DD) reported disappointing quarterly reports.
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