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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more


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SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Up, Up, And Away
Unemployment claims came in on the high side this morning.
The Corporate Tax Scandal In America That Is Hidden In Plain Sight
“There’s a new isolationism,” Kerry said during a nearly one-hour discussion with a small group of reporters. "We are beginning to behave like a poor nation,” he added, saying some Americans do not perceive the connection between US engagement abroad and the US economy, their own jobs and wider US interests.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Phaeton Descending
Some gold was finally taken off the deliverable inventory at the Comex yesterday. See how they run.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Ghosts Of Bubbles Past
The New Homes Sales number came in much higher than expected this morning, and so stocks reversed from their initial slump. They rose to challenge the overhead resistance once again, only to fall back down in the afternoon.
NAV Premiums Of Certain Precious Metal Trusts And Funds - Stockman On Crony Capitalism
As I suggested might happen yesterday, the precious metal longs were given a gutcheck today as the price was hit on the NY open. Also David Stockman gives a blistering analysis of the breakdown of profit/loss capitalism that began under Bush, and which Obama has only accelerated.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Comex Option Expiration - Far From Any Road
There was very little movement in the Comex gold warehouses yesterday. Gold was a little stronger than silver today, but both settled back close to evens at the close.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Just Another Day In The Hood With The Hoods
There was a lot of back and forth around key resistance today. I suspect that the wiseguys are waiting for some additional punters to take positions before they flip the switch, unless something untoward happens in the great world of reality.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Option Expiry Tomorrow - Remembering Baghdad Bob
As a reminder, tomorrow is the option expiration for precious metals on the Comex, for the March contracts. There was intraday commentary on the Mad Tea Party at the Comex.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Swing And A Miss
The wiseguys were pumping equities hard today, reaching for that mythical 1348 new all time high on the cash SP 500.
NAV Premiums Of Certain Precious Metal Trusts And Funds - The Mad Tea Party
The Comex reminds me of the Mad Tea Party, with the LBMA not all that far behind it. As for GLD and its like, when the tea pot gets tipped, let's see what comes out.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Pullback
The housing data this morning was weaker than expected.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - The Reivers
Gold and silver caught a bit of a bid today, moving higher with stocks. There was no movement in or out of the Comex warehouse yesterday, but some reclassifications of bullion as the gamblers continue to arrange their hands before the river card is thrown.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Ghosts Of Bubbles Past
The spokesmodels on financial TV were thrusting their pom-poms this morning over the Facebook acquisition of 'WhatsApp' for $19 billion dollars. This reminds me of techbubble-nomics. Facebook is paying with an inflated currency for a big chunk of it, eg. their stock.
The Recovery™ - Bubble Back To The Bar For The Hair Of The Dog That Bit You
And why would you expect anything different, given the lack of serious reform and the careful targeting of the monetary expansion into the hands of the same old TBTF financial firms?
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts
There was no movement in or out of the Comex gold warehouses yesterday. At some point they must show the removal of any bullion taken by the February longs which have stood for delivery and decided to hold something more substantial than a claim check.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Want To Take You Higher
Equities hit the bottom of the trend channel, and then took off like a horse with a red hot poker applied to its posterior. This will end badly.
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