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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more


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Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts
They are still not showing the ounces being delivered out of the Comex warehouses to standing February contracts. It is thin on deliverables, not as thin as it had been, but it will be getting thinner.
Margin Call: Ted Butler Wonders About The Real Cause Of Bear Stearns' Collapse
As you may recall Bear was suffering losses in a number of financial instruments at the time. But there has not been serious discussion about their precious metal positions.
Thomas Frank: Pity The Billionaires, Marxism For The Master Class
In light of the recent outcries by billionaire Tom Perkins for fair and loving treatment, I thought it might be interesting to explore the mindset that pictures the doyens of Wall Street, and those who have taken fortunes out of the and housing bubbles, as the real victims of the financial collapse.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Defeated When We See Them Running
Gold is starting to threaten its 200 Day Moving Average. A technical chart is included below. It is also starting to approach a short term overbought condition. It is not clear yet how relevant that might be given some of the strong supply and demand issues at play at these price levels.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Baby It's Cold Outside
Weekly price statistics on Gold and Silver
The Whining Of The Bailout Boys: SEC Whistleblower Gary Aguirre And John Mack
"In an interview on Bloomberg TV, John J. Mack, the former chairman and chief executive of Morgan Stanley, called for an end to the harsh words that have been hurled at Mr. Dimon and Lloyd C. Blankfein, Goldman Sachs's chief executive, over their pay."
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Calling Down The Thunder
Initial Claims and Retail Sales might provide some economic grist for the market's mills on Thursday, but for today it was all bullishness.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Gold Runs Higher
It was interesting to see gold move higher with stocks, with silver moving higher as well, but somewhat sluggishly. I have a suspicion that this is about gold's February delivery issues and the general shortage of physical gold bullion which is developing.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Morgan Gold Warns Of Possible Physical Gold Shortage
The bit of controversy today is how much gold exactly is flowing from West to East, most specifically to China?
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - All God's Children
Stocks had a little upward bias today, but are now more firmly up against resistance.
Tainted Meat Joins The Stench Of Political And Financial Corruption
It was discovered that in all that blizzard of corruption, and the paper that covered it up, that the very basis of the value of things had been 'mislaid.' And then the deluge came.
Report Of 'Intense Investigation' Into London Death Of JPM VP
It will be interesting to see if this 'intense investigation' actually reveals anything of substance. But it seems that the reported "suicide" may not have been a suicide after all...
Investment And Insurance: Prospective Risk And Return In Various Precious Metal Investments
To buy, or not to buy? Allocated, unallocated, or exchange-traded, derivative, or nothing? That is the question.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Non-Farm Payrolls Fizzle, Precious Metals Held In Check
The premiere event was the US Non-Farm Payrolls Report, which pretty much sucked out loud, coming in with an underestimated 113,000 jobs versus a 175,000 expected.
61 Tonnes Of Gold Bullion Flow Out Of Western ETFs And Exchanges In January 2014
Gold is moving from West to East. What does it mean?
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Bounce. Dead Cat Or Something More?
Stocks caught a bounce today, but it had the appearance of bottom feeding after a stiff decline.
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