Video content of Lee Adler | TalkMarkets
Owner, The Wall Street Examiner
Lee Adler of the Wall Street Examiner is the editor and publisher of the Wall Street Examiner and The Wall Street Examiner Professional Edition, a proprietary service for professional investors and sophisticated individual investors. Lee is also host and moderator at Bears Chat and The ...more


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Fed May Be Tapering, But Its Partners In Crime Aren’t – Video
Lee Adler tells CNBC Africa that the Fed may be tapering, but the key to the US market will now be in the actions of the BoJ and ECB. Video length 6:57.
Watch Not What Yellen Says, Watch What She Does
Lee Adler discusses liquidity trends and translates Janet Yellen’s remarks in the wake of the last FOMC meeting in mid June 2014.
How The US Government Deliberately And Systematically Understates Inflation
The US Government has been deliberately and systematically understating inflation since 1983. This video shows how the BLS manages to do that.
Fed Balance Sheet Up 38%, Stocks Up 18%, Factory Orders Up 1.8%
While the Fed has done great things for corporate execs, the real economy sucks.
The Con Con Con – Video
Why you need to understand both the silliness and the real meaning of the Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index. It IS important.
Does Quantitative Easing Boost Employment?
The facts show that QE does not boost employment. In fact, the opposite may be true.
Quantitative Easing: Does Money Grow On Trees?
CNBC's Lindsay Williams Interviews Lee Adler about quantitative easing.
Here’s The Evidence That It Wasn’t QE That Drove Down Long Term Rates – Video
Wall Street consensus says that the Fed's Quantitative Easing program drove down long term interest rates. But is the consensus correct?
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