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Follow The Sand To The Real Fracking Boom
When it takes up to four million pounds of sand to frack a single well, it’s no wonder that demand is outpacing supply and frack sand producers are becoming the biggest behind-the-scenes beneficiaries of the oil and gas boom.
Early Signs Of A Pullback In Drilling Activity
With oil prices low and showing no sign of an immediate rebound, the industry is beginning to pull back on spending.
The Driving Force Behind The US Oil Boom
The shale revolution’s sweet spot is oilfield services, the lower-risk backbone of the American oil and gas boom that pays off regardless of a play’s economics.
The End Of An Era: Is The US Petrodollar Under Threat?
Recent trade deals and high-level cooperation between Russia and China have set off alarm bells in the West as policymakers and oil and gas executives watch the balance of power in global energy markets shift to the East.
Low Oil Prices Hurting U.S. Shale Operations
Slumping oil prices are putting pressure on U.S. drillers. The number of active rigs drilling for oil and gas fell by their most in two months, according to oil services firm Baker Hughes.
The 10 Biggest Energy Company Bankruptcies
Running a multi-billion dollar energy company isn’t easy. Just ask the executives in the corner suites of some of the energy companies that have gone bust over the years.
Will Ukraine Commit Economic Suicide?
Ukraine is on the brink of committing economic suicide after imposing a crippling 55 percent tax on private gas producers, while parliament prepares to vote on next year's budget, which aims for a continuation of the same.
The World’s 10 Biggest Energy Gluttons
Next time you get into your car and drive to the supermarket, think about how much energy you consume on an annual basis.
Fed Up With Federal Inaction, States Act Alone On Cap-and-Trade
Unsatisfied with the pace at which the federal government is acting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, several U.S. states and a few Canadian provinces are forging ahead with their own initiatives.
All Eyes On Kenya: The Next Big Oil Exporter
Not even the specter of a spillover of Islamic extremism from Somalia can dampen the atmosphere in Kenya, where commercial oil production is expected to begin in 2016 and discovery after discovery has made this the hottest and fastest-paced hydrocarbon scene on the continent.
Canada’s Shale Boom: More To Come In Montney
In the world of a constantly changing oil and gas environment, the Montney shale basin is the sleeping giant that holds the key to accelerating Canada’s shale oil and gas boom. Here are some stocks looking to benefit...
Why China's Insatiable Appetite For Coal Has Likely Peaked
A recent report from Greenpeace found that China's coal consumption declined in the first half of this year and new Chinese government data suggests that the country's coal imports have dropped.
Islamic State's Ultimate Goal: Saudi Arabia's Oil Wells
For the Islamic State (aka ISIS), Syria and Iraq were a good place to start their campaign, but in order to survive and prosper, it knew from the outset that it had no choice but to set its sights on the ultimate prize: the oil fields of Saudi Arabia.
Soros Signals Argentina’s Shale Is Biggest Place To Be
One of the world’s legendary investors is upping his bet on Argentina’s shale oil and gas industry in a show of confidence for shale production in South America’s largest unconventional prize.
Why The Debate Over Energy Storage Utterly Misses The Point
The debate over which energy storage technology will prove to be the best in the long-term is woefully misguided.
New Technology Could End The Debate Over Pipeline Safety
The surge in North American oil and gas production is arguably the most important development in energy over the last decade. But North America doesn’t have nearly enough oil and gas pipelines to accommodate its output level.
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