Patrick Cox | TalkMarkets | Page 1
Editor of Mauldin Economics’ Transformational Technology Alert
Patrick is the editor of Mauldin Economics’ Transformational Technology Alert premium research service. He also serves as editorial director of new research here at Transformational Technologies and writes the free daily e-letterPatrick Cox’s Tech Digest. ...more

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TransTech Digest: Why Mitochondria Matter
We’re beginning to understand how the "mitochondrial network" fails as we age and how this failure impacts many areas of health.
TransTech Digest: What Do You And The Energizer Bunny Have In Common?
While it would be a stretch to say that you run on lithium, you may stand to benefit greatly from it.
TransTech Digest: Age Evasion Or Compression Of Morbidity
Last week, an FDA committee voted 20 to 1 to make it more difficult for doctors to prescribe testosterone products. The committee also recommended that pharmaceutical companies be forced to perform additional safety testing.
TransTech Digest: GDF11: Good For The Head And The Heart
A protein called GDF11 may play an important role in the aging process. Increasing the levels GDF11 in the bloodstream of older mice shrinks their hypertrophic hearts to back to a healthy size. Would that work in humans?
TransTech Digest: Apple’s Smartwatch May Put Biotech On Silicon Valley Time
The technological convergence was never just about bringing entertainment to mobile devices. Finally, we’re seeing the convergence expand into areas that directly impact health.
TransTech Digest: Godzilla, Zombies, And Cultural Coping Mechanisms
Patrick notes that if you chart the rise in popularity of the zombie myth, it correlates closely with the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, he argues that AD could destroy the world.
TransTech Digest: Oxford Paper Shows Oxaloacetate Feeds And Grows Brain Cells
John Mauldin and author Patrick Cox are taking a supplement called oxaloacetate. Should you?
Coffee, Tea Or P53
Patrick Cox calls coffee a "health food," and the single most important food item available at the grocery store. Throw in a steak (protein) and who needs anything else? Okay, fiber. We need that. Coffee, steak, vegetable... maybe a beer. Done.
TransTech Digest: Super Battery Bio-Power Vs. Dirty CleanTech
In the in-depth article below, Patrick discusses the future of energy creation and storage. He also gives us a look at how our bodies consume energy and how next-generation battery technology could change our lives.
TransTech Digest: Artificial Intelligence And Genuine Stupidity
Patrick Cox writes about a supercomputer supposedly passing Alan Turing’s “Turing Test.” He also traces out complex questions regarding how little we still know about the human brain.
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