Wall Street Wiz - Comments

Wall Street Wiz

Financial Investment Scholar/Mentee
Student majoring in Finance seeking to learn more about the difference sectors within Fiance, such as Sales and Trading, Investment Banking, Operations and Wealth Management.

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Why Are Banking Executives In London Killing Themselves?
10 years ago
Yes, there's an update here (from a different contributor). Looks like there may be another death (only missing for now): "Dead Bankers, Missing Reporter, And Unfolding Wall Street Scandals." http://www.talkmarkets.com/content/financial/dead-bankers-missing-reporter-and-unfolding-wall-street-scandals?post=40215
In this article: BUNL, DB, JPM
Pot Stocks: A Good Investment?
10 years ago
TRTC is also a very interesting company. Doesn't have a ton of outstanding shares (about 200 mil if i recall), reports to the SEC, and is waiting on New York to decide on marijuana, as TRTC is headquartered there. TRTC also is more than just an MJ play, as they are a hydroponic system company, so they grow vegetables right now. They just plan on switching to marijuana due to profitability.
Pot Stocks: A Good Investment?
10 years ago
ERBB, MJNA, CBIS, etc. are all a lot shadier than some of the current popular stocks. FITX seems to be building a facility that will grow 1.5 million lbs of pot a year. They need to pass inspection from the Canadian government right now. This is the gambling time for that stock. If that inspection passes, it could enter dollar land. Right now its about 5/6 cents. I possibly sold my shares a bit too early. FITX also has a nutritional supplement line, which is moving up in terms of popularity on places like body building.com and GNC. Interesting choice right now imo. Just needs a good share buyback announcement.
Starbucks And The F-Word
10 years ago
Brilliant response! It's also a good lesson to corporations who often show poor judgment. That fact that they went after this little guy, it's akin to bullying. Yes, they were in their right legally, but the guy sold 3 drinks. The amount of money they spent and the negative PR they got... they should have just let it be. At least they got that $6 check!
In this article: SBUX
I Finally Got Snapchat! It All Makes Sense Now!
10 years ago
So while this should be a wake up call to Snapchat to beef up its security, I wouldn't say that's the reason to rule them out. But I will likely now wait till such security is in place before I check them out first hand.Hopefully Mr. Fuld's personal information is safe from those hackers.
In this article: GOOG, FB
I Finally Got Snapchat! It All Makes Sense Now!
10 years ago
So while this should be a wake up call to Snapchat to beef up its security, I wouldn't say that's the reason to rule them out. But I will likely now wait till such security is in place before I check them out first hand.Hopefully Mr. Fuld's personal information is safe from those hackers.
In this article: GOOG, FB
I Finally Got Snapchat! It All Makes Sense Now!
10 years ago
So while this should be a wake up call to Snapchat to beef up its security, I wouldn't say that's the reason to rule them out. But I will likely now wait till such security is in place before I check them out first hand.Hopefully Mr. Fuld's personal information is safe from those hackers.
In this article: GOOG, FB
I Finally Got Snapchat! It All Makes Sense Now!
10 years ago
No, I wasn't aware. Thanks for the warning. But your statement isn't fair - even the major companies, or dare I say, especially the major companies are targeted and often susceptible to such attacks. I remember Twitter, Facebook, Google and most recently Target all falling victims to such attacks.
In this article: GOOG, FB
Is America About To Reach A Breaking Point?
10 years ago
I agree with much of what you say, but I think it's a stretch to blame every act of violence on the economy. After all, look how many riots erupt at sporting events, even when the economy is booming.
Chart Of The Day - Avnet (AVT)
10 years ago
Seems like a no-brainer, I'm going to give this one a try, thanks.
In this article: AVT
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