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Independent Analyst
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Pater Tenebrarum is an independent analyst and economist/social theorist. He has been involved with financial markets in various capacities for 31 years and currently writes economic and market analyses for independent research organizations and a European hedge fund consultancy as well as being ...more


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Gold And The Naked Emperor
After the payrolls report released on Friday turned out to be 'stronger than expected', the gold market initially duly sold off.
Initial Claims, Bonds And The Stock Market
There was an unexpected surge in initial unemployment claims, even as other economic data showed some improvement.
Comment On The April FOMC Decision
The central planners have struck again, and surprised no-one, as the outcome of the most recent FOMC meeting was well telegraphed in advance. As the trusty WSJ FOMC statement tracker reveals, we are once again in a phase when very little in the statement is changed from month to month.
Distorted Market Signals And More Signs Of Problems In China
Along the lines of the recently discussed idea that central bank interventions have distorted numerous price signals, here is some additional evidence supporting this contention.
JGBs – The World’s Strangest Market
In mid April, Reuters reported that there hadn't been any trades in 10 year JGBs for a day and a half – shortly after the BoJs holdings of JGBs topped 200 trillion yen for the first time
Germany’s New Energy Policy Is In Tatters
Switching off all nuclear plants in Germany on account of a tsunami in Japan wasn't only a bad idea because Germany is a lot less tsunami-prone than Nippon.
Toyota Waves Good-Bye To Taxifornia
In the US, it is frequently demonstrated why political competition is so much better than the 'tax harmonization' and similar centralization plans pursued by the socialist bureaucrats of the EU.
US Stock Market – Turning Down From A Lower High?
This is a brief update on the technical backdrop in the US stock market. In spite of the recent rebound, the move from 'growth' to safety has continued. We use the XLU-QQQ ratio to follow this trend, but one could e.g. also employ consumer staples instead of the XLU and would see the same trend.
Inequality Used To Promote Wealth Grab By The State
A recent book on wealth inequality by Thomas Pikkety, a left-leaning French economic historian, has just become an Amazon bestseller.
Precious Metals Bounce From Support Area
This is a brief addendum to our recent update on the gold sector. Since then, a few interesting things have happened. Initially, gold stocks bounced from the 61.8% retracement level of the preceding rally in spite of the fact that gold and silver weakened further.
Take This Away And The US Stock Market Crashes
Yesterday, we were explaining how the US empire and the Fed-induced credit bubble depend on each other. To make a long story short, after the 1970s there was not enough juice in the US economy to pay for a welfare state at home … and an imperial juggernaut all over the world. The solution? More credit.
Housing Recovery Steps Off A Cliff
Back when the housing bust was still in full swing, we frequently mentioned that the incessant bottom calling may be premature, especially from a longer term perspective. Experience showed that housing cycles can be very 'sticky', both on the way up and on the way down.
T-Bonds Are Universally Hated, Not A Single Economist Expects An Economic Downturn
This doesn't happen very often. Marketwatch reports that Jim Bianco points out in a recent market comment that the 67 economists taking part in a regular Bloomberg survey have a unanimous forecast regarding treasury bond yields: they will be higher 6 months from now.
Kiev And The ‘Right Sector’
EU representatives have let the new government in Kiev know that they are deeply concerned about the armed storm troopers of 'Pravy Sektor' and other militant groups in the Ukraine.
Paul Krugman’s Expensive War Against Inequality
The tireless advocate of European-style socialism for America, the New York Times' famous promoter of Keynesian snake-oil, Paul Krugman, has joined the 'war against inequality' by deploying himself right on the front lines.
Please, Not Another IMF …
Why is there an IMF? It seems a good question, so here is the short answer...
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