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The Economic Effects on Finance, Investing, Social Interactions, and Politics
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Founded by John Lounsbury and Steven Hansen, Global Economic Intersection (Econintersect) focuses on the economic effects on ...more

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Second Estimate 1Q2014 GDP Revised Down - Economy Was In Contraction
The second estimate of first quarter 2014 Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is now a negative 1.0%.
There’s Still Ample Demand For Aussie LNG
Russia’s $400 billion deal to supply natural gas to China likely has the sponsors of some of the more marginal liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects squirming.
Continuing The Discussion On Economic Recovery
What does the slow recovery in housing construction tell us about this so-called economic recovery?
Mobile Payments: Current Outlook
Although adoption of mobile payments has been slow in the United States, recent developments have improved the outlook. New mobile payment technologies, such as barcode, QR code, and the cloud, now compete with NFC (a contactless card reader connects with a chip card using near field communication).
Gasoline Prices Rise 0.7 Cents A Gallon
Average gasoline prices rose an average of 0.7 cents nationwide this past week following the previous week's fall of .03 cents. Since 06 January 2014, gas prices have risen 33.9 cents a gallon.
Rising Household Debt: Increasing Demand Or Increasing Supply?
Total consumer debt continued to increase in the first quarter of this year, marking the first time since the recession that aggregate debt had grown for three consecutive quarters, according to the May 2014 Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit.
Former CFO Of Dallas-Based Jewelry And Collectibles Company Charged With Accounting Fraud
The Securities and Exchange Commission filed accounting fraud charges against a Dallas-based company and its former chief financial officer for manipulating its inventory accounts.
Inventories Don't Kill Growth — People Kill Growth
The most destructive ideas in academia are those that are technically defensible but nonetheless encourage erroneous intuitions. In economic science, a prime example of such a destructive idea is GDP accounting.
The Money Valve
Over the years here I have written numerous articles examining the nature of money and how it works. A few of the them are listed at the end of this article.
2014: Year Of The Great Wage Debate
Jobs in fast- food have typically been occupied by teenagers attending, or those that recently graduated from high school and still live with their parents.
Uneven Recovery, Monetary Policy And Inequality In The U.S.
Since 2009, the U.S. economy has experienced a steady yet uneven recovery. Although the overall household net wealth in America saw a 14% increase from 2009 to 2011, the mean net worth gap has enlarged between the top 7% and the lower 93% of the households.
What Is The Impact Of A Low Interest Rate Environment On Bank Profitability?
The economic conditions and low interest rate environment of recent years have been challenging for banks that rely on a wide spread between long- and short-maturity yields to generate earnings.
Market Commentary: Averages Close Up, SP500 Sets New Historical Closing High
Well thanks to the HFT algo computers we saw the markets squeak up to a new historical closing high for the SP500 at 1900.54. The NASDAQ stopped at a resistance of 4185, as well as the $RUT at 1126. By 4 pm the volume was anemic because many investors and traders left early in the day.
April 2014 New Home Sales Improve But Still Is Bad
New home sales data for April 2014 was not great – there was month-over-month growth, but this is on top of a terrible previous month (although the March data was revised upward all while the January and February data was revised downward).
Options – Is Time Relative?
I have been writing recently about the factors that influence option prices. Specifically, I’ve been talking about the things that affect the time value portion of an option’s price. Last time I described the effects of changes in “implied volatility,” which is another term for crowd expectations.
What Individualism Is Not
The bottle is now labeled libertarianism. But its content is nothing new; it is what in the nineteenth century, and up to the time of Franklin Roosevelt, was called liberalism — the advocacy of limited government and a free economy.
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