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The Economic Effects on Finance, Investing, Social Interactions, and Politics
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Founded by John Lounsbury and Steven Hansen, Global Economic Intersection (Econintersect) focuses on the economic effects on ...more

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Why Energy Is Back In Fashion
The last time the energy sector topped the annual returns for S&P 500 sectors was 2007. In fact, from 2004 to 2007, as oil and natural gas prices broke new ground, energy was the top performing S&P 500 sector in all years but 2006, when it slipped to second place.
Will The United States Benefit From The Trans-Pacific Partnership?
U.S. involvement in what could be one of the world’s largest free trade agreements, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), has garnered a lot of attention, especially since the entry of Japan into negotiations last year.
The End Of Energy As We Know It
As it turns out, while oil companies are investing billions in exploring for new underground lakes of petroleum, and half the states in the U.S. are being fracked in a mad dash for natural gas, we have already discovered about as much oil and gas as governments are likely going to allow us to burn.
Permanent Budget Surpluses, Fiscal Models And Private Sector Debt
Last week I showed that Australia’s net government debt to GDP ratio is nothing to panic about when compared to the rest of the world. We’re currently at under 12 per cent, whereas most OECD nations have ratios of 50 per cent and above.
Market Commentary: Averages Fall Sharply On Opening, Russell 2000 Off 1.90%
Premarkets were down -0.10% after somewhat-good-news from the US financial reporting this morning, but the overall investor concerns for market stability is still negative.
April 2014 CPI Inflation Grows Moderately
The April 2014 Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) year-over-year inflation rate grew moderately fueled by energy commodities - however most elements of the CPI inflated nearly equally.
Is The Market Going To Drop?
As with any technical indicator, the RSI should be used as a confirming indicator, not a decision making tool. Price and supply and demand should be the only thing you use for your decisions to enter or exit the markets.
How Consumers Rule In A Free Economy
One of my favorite economists in the history of economic thought is the great Austrian, Carl Menger (1840-1921). While the mainstream of the economics profession acknowledges Menger’s place due to his contribution to the Marginalist Revolution in the 1870s...
Effects Of QE: Follow The Money (And Banking Transactions)
Back on March 13, David Malpass, president of Encima Global LLC, wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal entitled “The Fed's Taper Is Already Paying Off”.
Market Commentary: Markets Open In The Red, Volatility Is Back
Premarkets were down -0.10% and quickly dropped to -0.30% at the opening. The opening looked like a dump and pump as the averages melted back up again to the opening values on moderate volume.
When Are Equity Investors Paid To Take Risk?
Most gauges of “the” equity risk premium have declined since the financial crisis but remain elevated, even as broad market indexes near record highs.
Will Social Media History Trip Up College Graduates?
For this year’s crop of college graduates, the use of social media is second nature. However, will these grads’ comfort with sharing their lives on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram come back to haunt them as they search for their first job? Not necessarily .....
Market Commentary: DOW Can't Hold Highs, $RUT Gets Slammed
New large cap historical highs made and the $RUT gets slammed - down almost 1%. By noon the large caps have descended off their morning highs and every time there is a dip the BTFDers jump in.
Market Commentary: Large Caps Record New Highs And Small Caps Have Not Joined The Party
Premarkets were up this morning +0.10% even after a complete miss on the US financial's. US Advance Retail Sales and Import Price Index came in on the negative side and the US futures rose fractionally.
China Plans Railroad To Seattle, And More
The Chinese government is desperate to keep its bubble economy going, and one way it’s doing that is by spending on massive infrastructure projects.
Serbia Returns To Easing As Malaysia, Philippines Set To Tighten
Last week in global monetary policy, Serbia took advantage of the relative calm in financial markets to return to its easing campaign despite the simmering conflict in the Ukraine and the ongoing tapering of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
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