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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more


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Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Life Is A Cabaret
The Anglo-American Gold Pool, and their coterie of client Banks, have made a policy decision to hold the price of gold and silver below 1300 and 20.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Complacency 'R Us
People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - The Usual
The capping in the metals is obvious. There is no economic news or theory otherwise that is needed to explain it.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Complacency Rules
This is a light week on the economic calendar.
High Tide For The Dollar: Revenge Of The Sith
I have certainly considered this scenario many times, of how the dollar regime might evolve, and the one discussed below remains one possible outcome.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - What If?
This being the inactive month of May, nothing of note occurred on the Comex metals or the gold warehouses.
The Most Destructive Bubbles Of All: Corporate Profits Amid Private Poverty
The money was all appropriated for the top in the hopes that it would trickle down to the needy.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - O Brave New World
The capping of gold and silver at these levels continues.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - And The Small Caps Shall Lead Them...
This is a particularly situation here in the equity markets. Deception is rampant in the accounting for company numbers. The trading is very 'technical' and the underpinnings of the stock market are as sound as a three card monte game.
Cost Of Basic Health Insurance Around The World
You have to pay more for the best, right? Well, in a crony capitalist society, maybe not so much. The US ranked 37th in the WHO quality ratings in 2000.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Paint Drying
These markets are beyond boring. Looks like an intermediate top is in the making, but it is being buoyed by the Fed's printing on behalf of its Wall Street cronies.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - À Chaque Fou Plaît Sa Marotte
Prices on the metals rose during the day to the capping region, and were subsequently-- capped. Great success.
NAV Premiums Of Certain Precious Metal Trusts And Funds
Gold and silver are being weighed upon by targeted selling in the market, particularly in the off hours. However the premiums in the trusts and funds are much more historically 'normal' than they have been.
NY Fed Joins War On Whistleblowers To Shield Goldman Sachs From Its Own Examiner
And this sort of egregious behavior from a 'regulator.' They argue out of both sides of their mouths whether Goldman is a 'bank' or not, in order to get what they want for... Goldman.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Born To Run...
The suppression of the precious metals continues, and the prices are being held below 1300 for gold, and 20 for silver. But physical bullion continues flowing, from West to East.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Cap, Cap, Cap...
The capping of gold and silver at 1300 and 20 is hard to miss.
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