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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more


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SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Stick Save - Moneyed Interests
Stocks were all over the map, but managed to finish almost unchanged thanks to a late day rally, following a rally and then a sell off earlier in the day.
Pandora's Box - The Repeal Of Glass-Steagall
Bubbles, control frauds, financial crises, human misery, and bail outs.Lest we forget this broadly bipartisan effort to set the predator class free. And they remain largely unencumbered, unindicted, and unashamed.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - A Metals Hit For Humphrey-Hawkins
Janet Yellen performed her first Humphrey-Hawkins testimony today. The charade of the moneyed class continues.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Yellen Says Alakazam, Wall St Says Alibaba
“The decadent international but individualistic capitalism in the hands of which we found ourselves after the war is not a success. It is not intelligent. It is not beautiful. It is not just. It is not virtuous. And it doesn't deliver the goods.”
Russell 2000 Small Caps And The Wilshire 5000: In A Stall, Or The Pause That Refreshes The Bull
It is interesting to see that the broad lower end of the equity market is stalling here, with a negative return year to date. This is what we see in the Russell 2000 small caps index. It has been flirting with this support level for some time, and is testing its 200 DMA once again.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Chart - The Vicious Cycle Of Fraud And Corruption
The Fed is giving boatloads of low cost money to their well-heeled cronies, who are using it to buy up assets, continue to fund their control frauds, and raise prices on select necessities like housing, medicine, energy and food.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Morgan Stanley's Premature Capitulation - Fashionable Fraud
As you may recall it was reported last week that Morgan Stanley was predicting that gold would never see $1300 again, having failed to take out that level so many times and then fallen back to 1280.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Earnings, Geo-politicals, Median Wage And Demand
This is the big ebb and flow underlying current events. The turning point is a long time coming, but once it comes it may happen more quickly than we might otherwise expect, given the long, slow lead time to change.
India Gold Premiums 20% With Effective Price Of $1,554
The premium includes a 10% gold import duty being imposed by the government, which is twice what it had been in 2012. Gold demand in India remains strong.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Non-Farm Payrolls Tomorrow
Nothing really happened in the metals today, except for some withdrawals shown in the Comex gold warehouses, and some brave souls standing for 'delivery' in May. Tomorrow is non-Farm Payrolls, and if the wiseguys have anything more to say, that is probably when they will say it.
Follow The Money: The Failure Of Corporately Owned Journalism In A Crony Capitalist System
The crisis blew into public view when the NYT, followed by the others, reported that a big, new enterprise project from Bloomberg, said to have documented an extensive web of corrupt ties between one of China’s wealthiest businessmen and elite politicians, had been spiked.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Light Hit In The After Hours On An FOMC Day
The price of gold and silver were hit in the after hours taking gold down a bit from largely unchanged.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Nothing To See Here, Move Along - FOMC Tomorrow
I would imagine that the same principle can be figuratively applied to a currency war. We certainly are seeing an increase in the economically crippled, and thieves.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - FOMC, GDP, Non-Farm Payrolls And End Of April
Gold and silver may be running quite a gauntlet this week, as we have an FOMC meeting, the first quarter US GDP, the end of the big April delivery, and a Non-Farm Payrolls report on Friday
Trifecta Of US Economic News This Week
This week we will have the advance number for 1Q GDP, an FOMC rate decision, both on Wednesday, and the April Non-Farm Payrolls Report on Friday.
A Comex Options Expiration 'With A Twist' - Where The Elite Meet To Cheat
Tomorrow is an option expiration for the May precious metal contracts on the Comex. As May is not an active month, and the greatest contract activity is already moved to June, we may see an expiration with a twist.
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