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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more


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SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts- Bonfire Of The Inanities
Apple (AAPL) is the big ticket after hours. That modern Leviathan is increasing its stock buyback program to $90 billion, is raising their dividend to 3.90, and is declaring a 7 for 1 stock split. As they are saying on Bloomberg, now 'mom and pop' will be able to buy the stock.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - El Camino Real
Tomorrow is an option expiration for the May precious metal contracts on the Comex. As May is not an active month, and the greatest contract activity is already moved to June, we may see an expiration with a twist.
Bernanke Talks Up The Bankers' Balance Sheet Boogie Woogie - The Truman Sparks Award
Sometimes when I just don't have the words someone more articulate than me on the subject says it all...
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Hotel California
It's funny the way that 476,000 ounces of gold have been 'delivered' so far this month, but the warehouse inventories never seem to go down. Like the Hotel California, you can check out, but you can never leave.
NAV Premiums Of Certain Precious Metal Trusts And Funds - Crash In A Matter Of Months?
In case you were wondering there is a Comex precious metal options expiration on Thursday the 24th. Since the expiration is for the inactive month of May, I am wondering if they are not going to do an early hit with a head fake on this one as the day comes.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Lies, Damn Lies, And An Option Expiration
The action for the precious metals did not bode well, when late last night as gold drifted higher and crept over 1300 it was smacked down by some heavy dumping of contracts in quiet trade in the Globex market.
Retiring SEC Attorney Proposes A Market That Puts The Public Interest First
Can capitalism come to the market itself? Can the stock market solve the problems of risky Wall Street derivatives and high speed trading? A retired SEC attorney thinks it can.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Counting Blessings And Tender Mercies
Next Thursday there will be an option expiration on the Comex for precious metals on Thursday the 24th. I would expect it to be relatively quiet since May is not a major contract month.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Quiet Trade On Options Expiration - Shamelessness
Today's stock market action was relatively quiet for an option expiration ahead of a three day weekend.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Hubris Incorporated
Speaking of dull financial people miscalculating their place in the cosmos, this looks like it is going to be a dull week for the precious metals, except for the major bear raid yesterday. The Comex is becoming increasingly irrelevant to the world markets
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Quiet Holiday Week With An Upward Bias
VIX is back down to more complacent levels.This is a holiday shortened week, with Friday trading closed for the Easter holiday. Let's see if the traders can carry this rally into a three day weekend with the Ukraine bubbling along.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - From Sea To Shining Sea
From one market to the other, from one lie to the next, they seem to have no fear, and certainly no shame.
Why Gold? 85% Of Pension Funds Will Go Bust In 30 Years
In an inflation, stocks may do quite well, as their inflated valuations keep pace with inflation. Bonds are likely to get obliterated. In a stagflation not so much.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - The Mother Of Madness - Bart Through The Revolving Door
Gold continues to come in to the Comex warehouses to buttress them for the April delivery which proceeds. If
Pay And Deregulation In The US Financial Industry
A country foolishly deregulates the safeguards created by their forefathers, trusts to the natural goodness of those most hungry for wealth and power, and increases the incentives for enormous wealth by creating loopholes and cutting tax rates, and de-penalizing even the most shocking kinds of white collar crimes.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Lions And Tigers And Bears, Oh My!
The selling this week is being attributed by the pundits to 'tax selling'. I won't debate that, but I will say that if the selling continues next week it probably is not tax related, but related to overly high valuations and a thorough wash and rinse.
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