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The Economic Effects on Finance, Investing, Social Interactions, and Politics
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Founded by John Lounsbury and Steven Hansen, Global Economic Intersection (Econintersect) focuses on the economic effects on ...more

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Market Commentary: Markets Open Higher, Unable To Hold Gains, Slide To Negative Status
Premarkets were up +0.50% prior to 8 am and started to fall off after US financial reporting at 8:30 am. after a government report showed a bigger decline (-1.7% down from +3.2%) in non-farm productivity than expected in the first quarter.
Can Investors Use Momentum To Beat The U.S. Treasury Market?
Decades of research have produced a library on the “momentum” anomaly in markets. Momentum refers to the tendency for financial assets with the best prior returns to continue to produce superior results, at least for a time.
Solow’s Nobel Prize Lecture: Talking Out Both Sides Of His Mouth
First of all, it should be said that Solow completely misrepresented Harrod and Domar’s approach. He says that they assumed that the variables in their models were basically fixed and independent.
UK Growth Numbers Highlight The Gap Between Rhetoric And Reality On Recovery
What does the now sustained recovery in the UK and the still tentative signs of recovery in the eurozone tell us? According to some on the right, it says all is good in the world, austerity has been successful and we need to stay the course.
Interest Rates Not Confirming The Bullish Story
It is very interesting that despite better than expected earnings, encouraging comments by the Federal Reserve and a stronger than expected employment report - stocks were unable to decisively break out of the trading range since March.
Market Commentary: Averages Remain In Red, Melting Upwards, Weakness Prevalent
The major averages remain depressed and very much in the red, but technical indicators tell a different story and we may see a reversal before the end of the day.
Market Commentary: Markets Open Down, Future Direction Undecided
Premarkets were down -0.10% before the US Trade balance and eased down to -0.30% when it came in shrinking 3.6%. WTI oil futures remained below $100 and other commodities remained relatively unchanged.
Stock Market Crash Indicators: Three More Warning Signs
Three stock market crash indicators are suggesting that the current bull market may be running out of steam and is susceptible to a significant correction.
Europe And Deflation Paranoia
There is a current incessant flow of articles warning us of the certain economic calamity if deflation is allowed to show its nose for even the briefest period of time.
Market Commentary: Averages Move Off Morning Lows Into The Green
As suspected this morning, the averages covered the opening gaps and are posting small gains which probably will not hold before the session closing bell is rung.
Ohio-Based Investment Adviser Fraudulently Hid Account Shortfall
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced fraud charges and an asset freeze against a Columbus, Ohio-based investment advisory firm and its president for repeatedly hiding a shortfall of more than $700,000 in client assets.
Market Commentary: Markets Gap Down On Opening But Session Looks To Improve
Premarkets were down 0.50% as Ukraine war issues refuses to go away. China manufacturing PMI misses 6th month in a row and home sales collapse 47% almost insuring a down session for this start of the week.
No Good Deals - No Bad Models
The recent financial crisis has highlighted the significance of unhedgeable, illiquid positions in complex securities for individual financial institutions and for the global financial system as a whole.
ADP Does A Better Job Of Estimating Employment In Real Time Than BLS
We now have an entire year of non-farm private employment data to compare the BLS to ADP - and the results are rather surprising.
The World’s Most Valuable Startups
Since many private startups decided to put off their IPOs and opt for larger rounds of financing, more than 30 companies are now valued at $1 billion or more.
Calculating Reward And Risk On Option Trades
In all kinds of trading, we have to assess risk and potential reward on every trade. Being able to select trades that pay enough to be worth the risk is what separates the traders from the former traders and trader wannabes.
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