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Jesse's Café Américain (pseudonym) is a popular financial and economics blog where host Jesse writes about the economy, market movements and the political shenanigans behind them. His charts on precious metals are an excellent resource for technical traders. At the CAFÉ, Jesse provides useful ...more


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Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Gold Continues Higher
Gold led the way higher as silver is still stuck around the 20 handle. It had the feel of a 'flight to safety' as stocks took it on the chin, including the miners.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Who Or What Will Let The Dawg Out?
The yellow dawg (gold) is straining at the leash.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Fed Minutes And Scalded Cat Trades
The Fed minutes came out at 2 PM, and their dovish tone had stocks soaring higher, running the bears out of the new wash cycle.
China Gold Imports Through Hong Kong
Trend? Change? Not possible. No one is interested in gold.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Metals Take Back Their Levels, But Germany Can't Get Their Gold
There was no movement reported in the Comex gold warehouses yesterday. A few more contracts stood for delivery yesterday bringing the total to 427,000 for the month.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Bounce Off The Trendline
Stocks bounced with some precision off the trendline with the momentum techs taking a bit of a lead.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Rinse Cycle May Be Almost Done
Even with the declines, led by the momentum stocks which are the agitator in the wash cycle, we are falling back to the lower bound of the upward trend channel.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Ho Hum
This week's update on the shiny metals, gold and silver.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Pop Go The Weasels
Gold is outpacing silver in the markets recently, and there may be long-term reasons that explain why.
John Ralson Saul: Re-evaluating The Linear Approach To Trade And Globalisation
There are a range of choices between free trade and protectionism. Ideological commitments and purity may prevent a meaningful discussion of the situation.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - Non-Farm Payrolls Tomorrow
There was intraday commentary about a 'collapse in the international monetary system' here. There are also some words about worrying too much to the point of near hysteria.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Non Farm Payrolls Tomorrow
The news reporting on the financial channels is just terrible. No wonder people are so uninformed. With a few notable exceptions these fellows are like actors in extended infomercials.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - 340,200 Ounces Of Gold Claimed So Far In April
So far in April 3,402 gold contracts have been 'stopped,' that is, holders of those contacts have stood for delivery of the 100 oz bars each contract represents.
SP 500 And NDX Futures Daily Charts - Who Can Stop The Rain
I think one of the reasons that the Street is defending High Frequency Trading so vehemently is because without it they would be embarrassed at the genuine volumes on the exchanges.
Moral Blindness Syndrome (MBS) - When Money And Confidence Dies It Will Be Televised
Michael Lewis has created a furor with his new book, Flash Boys in large part over a quotable quote attributed to the book's major protagonist, 'the stock market is rigged.' It has finally become 'a problem' because the cheating that was going on started to visibly hurt the wrong people: the rich and well connected.
Gold Daily And Silver Weekly Charts - April Showers Bring May Flowers
There was intraday commentary about the 'market rigging' story that was on 60 Minutes this Sunday past.
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